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HomeBASE – Adaptive Case Management

HomeBASE Adaptive Case Management plays a functional role in demonstrating what is being done to end homelessness in Lethbridge; providing a seamless entry into the Lethbridge Housing First programs, while following specific inclusion and exclusion criteria for each of the programs.

The intent of the HomeBASE Adaptive Case Management Team is not to replace the responsibility of the existing agency mandates, rather work with each Lethbridge Housing First Program to ensure warm transfer and program quality improvement. Once referred to the program, the individual will be assigned to a case manager. The case manager will support individuals in the housing process and offer help with housing stability. Individuals will also receive referrals to other services. Whether it’s food related or mental health support, case managers will ensure that individuals receive proper referrals to gain supports and stability.

Contact (403) 328-5465 to see if you qualify for the program.

HomeBASE does not have access to immediate housing for emergency situations.

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