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Our Vision, Mission, and Values
Our vision defines the overall outcome that we are working towards.
Our mission describes our purpose and unique contribution.
Our values are the key beliefs and principles that underlie our thinking and actions.
Our Vision
Mentally healthy people in a healthy society.
Our Mission
To promote the mental health of all and support the resilience and recovery of people experiencing mental illness.
Our Key Values and Principles
- The Canadian Mental Health Association, Alberta South Region believes in supporting individuals, groups and committees to enhance their mental wellness and to advocate for those coping with mental illness.
- CMHA has accomplished this through the provision of public and professional education, social action, advocacy and direct service delivery
- CMHA is committed to distinctive quality and unparalleled services to our community and our constituents. The success of any organization is determined by the successful operation as a unified team.
- Creative, productive employees and volunteers guarantee our success and the Association believes employees should be empowered to make suggestions and be risk takers.
- The Canadian Mental Health Association, Alberta South Region endeavours:
- To protect and promote mental wellness
- To promote the best possible care, treatment and rehabilitation of the mentally ill.
- To promote research into causes, treatments and prevention of mental illness.
- To continue to advocate regarding mental illness.